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5 Key Benefits of investing via eUnittrust

1. Buy, sell and monitor your unit trust investment online between 0%-1.5% sales charge. The best thing is that eUnittrust tend to carry out regular promotional campaigns which allows you the opportunity to invest for as low as 0% sales charge with no minimum investment amount! Now that's what you call saving on sales charge!


2. You get to choose from a vast variety of unit trust funds (~250 funds) from renowned Fund Houses such as Kenanga, Eastspring, RHB, AmBank, Manulife, Affin Hwang and many more. This allows you to have a wider option of top performing funds to choose from instead of just buying funds from an agent affiliated to only one company in particular.


3. You are in control of your own investment. By that I'm referring to the power of investing directly via your PC/Laptop.Mobile. Investment transaction is made easy through online banking via Maybank, CIMB and many more. This makes investing more convenient as compared to traditional practice of issuing check or bank deposit slip.


4. No risk of losing your money even if the online platform closes down. That is because the platform acts as a medium to help you invest with the fund house of your choice. For example if you invest in Kenanga Funds, the platform helps you to invest with Kenanga with records being kept and regulated by Securities Commission. In other words even if eUnittrust shuts down, your record will still be used to trace and track all investments made to Kenanga.


5. There are NO Registration Fee, NO Platform Fee and NO Annual Fee for opening an account with eUnittrust. As a matter of fact, you can open an account without any obligation to invest. Look at it as having a tool ready for use when you ultimately decide to invest. 


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